
Cindy is Committed to:

  • Addressing the critical danger of catastrophic wildfire by promoting forest health, firesafe communities, ensuring emergency preparedness for evacuations, and advocating for reasonable fire insurance for all residents in District 5.
  • Supporting our Placer County Sheriff, Probation, and District Attorney is critical to providing safety and security for the residents of Placer County.
  • Ensuring that County government is responsive to its residents’ needs, and deploys resources efficiently and fairly across the County.
  • Supporting economic sustainability and balanced growth that enhances our communities and protects our rural areas.
  • Seeking and supporting local housing solutions, ranging from affordable to the missing middle, through collaborative partnerships with nonprofits, governmental agencies and the private sector.
  • Advocating for transportation improvements including: highway and roadway safety projects; increased transit and micro-transit; increased rail service throughout the I80 corridor; adding EV infrastructure; better enforcement of speed limits; and complete streets programs for trails, sidewalks, and bicycle mobility. 

  • Increasing the County’s efforts with our partners on the conservation of open space, stewardship, and enhanced public access throughout our region.

Cindy Gustafson Speaking on Issues

“With more than 30 years of public policy experience, I understand that working collaboratively and forging partnerships is the key to solving challenges and supporting our communities. We don’t move forward alone.”

Protecting the 5th District takes many forms.  Since taking office it has included:  supporting our law enforcement and first responders so that they are well-equipped and well-staffed; ensuring residents are informed and part of the decision-making affecting their lives and homes, championing efforts to address forest health; pushing State officials to find solutions to the fire insurance crisis; advocating with PG&E and the state to invest in our electrical infrastructure; and supporting the expansion of broadband infrastructure throughout our rural communities.”